Enther to Search for Geothermal Resources in Çanakkale

Enther to Search for Geothermal Resources in Çanakkale

Enther Enerji will search for geothermal resources by opening 15 boreholes in 3 different locations in Yenice district of Çanakkale.

Enther Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. is planning drilling works in Çanakkale Province, Yenice District Akçakoyun village, Kakim and Hıdırlar village covering the adjacent plots of approximately 9000 hectares of land having two license areas for the purpose of geothermal exploration.

Within the scope of the project with 9 million pounds, 15 drilling points will be drilled and the depth of the drilling will be 3,000 – 3,500 m and the diameter will be 26”-17,5” , 12,25”, 8,5”. For each well where geothermal drilling will be carried out, approximately 15-20 acres of land including mud pool, prefabricated offices, drilling rig and equipment will be used.

As a result of the efficiency test in the wells to be digged, it will be evaluated in geothermal power plants which are planned to be established by the investor company or in making various facilities (greenhouse and thermal tourism etc.) depending on the source temperature to be found.

Source: http://www.jeotermal.com/haber/956-enther-canakkale-de-jeotermal-kaynak-arayacak

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